Hello! It’s time for Not Me! Monday! If you are not familiar with it, Not Me! Monday is a blog carnival hosted by MckMama at My Charming Kids.net. It’s all about sharing things that we “didn’t” do–but REALLY DID. Here goes:
I did not take another look at the HTML code on my old blog today and feel happy that I could actually read AND understand MOST of it! I do NOT remember the days when looking at that was like looking at a foreign language. I no longer fear you, html.
My brother and his family came over for a visit last week. They were NOT sick, and I most certainly did NOT wake up sick the next day. Well, I did NOT decide to take a chance at using a homeopathic drug called Zucol (which I think I got for free from Walgreens a while back) that boasts it can shorten the duration of colds. It couldn’t hurt, right? Since I’m still nursing, being sick is horrible because the cold medicines I can take are VERY limited so I took a chance. And I was NOT completely and utterly astonished that IT WORKED! The sore throat and stuffy nose were gone the NEXT day! Wow! The added bonus was that the Zucol tablets were pleasant tasting. It was like dissolving a giant children’s tylenol on your tongue.
On the flip side, my littlest one, DID not turn up sick a few days later. :0( I gave him a children’s homepathic remedy called Boiron Oscillococcinum Children’s Homeopathic Flu Medicine (that’s a mouth full!). And, unfortunately, I didn’t get the same results as I did with the Zucol. He’s still sick, but with LOTS of energy! The medicine didn’t send the cold packing, but it did allow him to his happy self while sick without all the fuss. I’m happy with that. Oh, and I did get this medicine super cheap as well! It retails for around $14.99, but I got it on clearance at Walgreens a couple weeks ago for $1.24 with coupon!
On the school front, I did not get a 100% on my computer programming test last week! And I wasn’t in a mini state of shock for about 30 minutes afterwards. Programming is the hardest class I’m taking right now. It’s very CONFUSING. And there’s MATH involved in programming. MATH and I don’t mix well. I wrestled for about 2 hours last week with ONE programming assignment just trying to get the program to work!!! When I kinda thought I had it figured out, I submitted it. Teacher graded it and gave me the comment of, “Perfect!” I guess that made the struggle worth it in the end, but it was SO hard! Please pray for me if you feel lead…
Happy Monday!
i keep telling ya’ll homeopathy is the best!!!! 🙂
I am very impressed, Brooke. When I think of homeopathy, I think of you!! :0) This is the first time I’ve ever tried any of the homeopathic drugs and I am truly impressed! It makes me want to use them anytime we’re sick if they’re going to work that well! Even paying extra money for them is worth it if it’s going to get us feeling well again sooner than later.
And even though the kid’s medicine didn’t work as fast as the adults, it’s only been 3 days and David is much improved. He’s still sick, but it seems like this sickness is on its way OUT!