We shared God’s Word with about 50 children yesterday! And we got several comments on the “good candy.” But most of all we are greatful to have been able to give God’s Word to the children and families that came to our home to trick or treat.
Trick or treating in our area went from 4-8pm, and I was surprised by the amount of children who came to our home. We don’t really see a lot of kids playing outside in our neighborhood (you can’t miss our kids, they’re outside almost every day), but they were out yesterday afternoon!
Breanna and Isaac handed out most of the bags of candy and had a blast doing it. I can see this becoming a tradition that we’ll continue on for a long time. This was our first year being able to do this in our own home. We’ve previously lived in apartments, and you don’t get trick or treaters in apartment complexes. It isn’t allowed.
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