Monday has once again rolled around! I would be a little more excited about the new week except that I have a long class today, and I didn’t feel like getting out of bed this morning. I had set my alarm clock for 5:00am, and had it been within arms reach I probably would still be under the covers (I’m writing this at 6:04am), but I thought better last night and put it on the dresser where I knew I would physically have to GET UP to turn it off.
And I did exactly that. I jumped out of bed when that alarm went off, and once I was up, I was up. I forced myself not to lay back down, but rather begin my day so that I wouldn’t end up waking up late and running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to hurry out the door while thinking to myself that this could have been avoided had I simply listened to my alarm.
Okay, enough of that. Here is my list of to-do’s for this week:
:: Make a menu plan for our lunches and dinners this week
:: List textbooks to sell on ebay
:: Send two emails that I’m behind on
:: Write out a rough schedule for each day this week (I just started doing this last week, and it’s working well. I’ve found that in the season of life that we are in right now, each day can look completely different from the next so a one-size-fits-all schedule doesn’t work. Instead, I’m writing a daily schedule, usually the night before or in the morning for each day, and it’s working out very well.)
:: Help Breanna finish making the picture frame project she got for Christmas
:: Make out a list for Whole Foods for Wednesday grocery shopping
:: Finishing clipping and put away coupons
:: Take “before” pictures and post them
And that’s it. I’m hoping to get my before pictures taken this evening, and I’ll try to get them posted before I go to bed tonight. I wanted to do them last night, but I got lost watching videos on how MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) and Aspartame are so unhealthy for us. Eye opening for sure!
Happy Monday!
For more Make It Happen Monday or to link-up your own list of to-do’s, please visit Domestically Obsessed!
Hey Sandra! I am so impressed you had time to link up and write today given your hectic schedule! You go, girl!
Can we talk about what a sweet little munchkee is there in that picture above???? What a cutee pie!
I am so feeling you on the email thing–I just finished getting a few of those suckers out last week myself. Very happy to have them DONE and off my list!
Thanks for linking up!
Thanks Ammie! I try to wake up early every morning in order to get my blog posts written before the kids get up. I’m still working on getting them done the day before!
The little guy in the picture is David. He loves to vacuum. He is also great at helping with laundry. 🙂
I love your list of goals; I am a big list-maker myself!
Thanks, Christine!
Hi Sandra, I love the idea of Make It Happen Monday.. What a fantastic way to kick off the week.. I think I will join in next week.. So sweet to hear that your li’l one loves to help with laundry and the vaccum.. 🙂
Thanks, Prerna!
Make it Happen Monday is very helpful in helping me stay on top of things. I’m sure Ammie would love to have you join in!
I’m actually trying something new myself, I made a weekly schedule for school, study times and treadmill times….we’ll see if this can keep me more focused and accountable to working out and maybe not getting so stressed about studying. Plus it’s posted on the frig….so now Salomon will not have to asked me EVERYDAY when I call home…”do you have school tonight?” That drives me nuts!
Patty aka Mama
Hi, Mama!
A schedule is a great idea, and putting it on the frig is a good place for it since you know you’ll see it there everyday.
I’m not looking forward to school starting next week. I need a few more weeks off! 🙂 But, at least this semester’s schedule will be less intense than last semester’s.