I had Ruben take my BEFORE picture last night, but the batteries in the camera were about to die and then the kids wanted “before” pictures taken so by the end of that….we had to charge the batteries and get this posted today instead. It takes a lot of courage to do what I am about to do because anyone who knows me in real life knows that I lean on the shy side and posting a near full picture of my body is just a bit out of my comfort zone.
Well…deep breath…here you go…this is me…..
My current weight as of Monday is…..228.5 pounds. Can you believe when I met my husband I was 100 pounds lighter? Here’s an old picture of us.
I’m not planning on losing 100 pounds this year, although, it would be nice! My goal is to lose 50 pounds over the next 12 months. Anything more than that would be bonus! And wonderful! I’ve already made up a plan on how I’m (Lord willing) going to accomplish this. And I’m happy to say that as of yesterday, I got off to a great start!
I had mentioned previously that another one of my goals was to try one raw foods recipe per week, and yesterday, I made two! I made portobello stuffed mushrooms for dinner and vanilla crunch ice kream (misspelling this on purpose because there’s no real cream in it) for dessert. The mushrooms were good, but because they were so big, they were a little much for us. The pate’ that I made to go in the middle would be great simply with a salad, and I think that’s what I’ll use it for next time.
The ice kream was delicious! I will say that I was a bit nervous on how this would turn out, but it was surprisingly close to real vanilla ice cream. But healthy! And I’m happy to say that I’ve begun to put my ice cream maker to use again. From now on, the food processor, blender, and ice cream maker are going to be my best kitchen friends.
Do you want to know what was in the vanilla ice kream? Cashews, vanilla extract, spring water, and agave nectar. That’s it! I did let the kids add a few m&m’s to theirs to make it a little more fun, but we all enjoyed it and I was half a pound lighter this morning. Can’t do that with the regular stuff. 😉
Okay, back to the point of this post. I want to lose 50 pounds this year, and in an effort to keep myself accountable and encourage others to join along, I’m going to be posting my progress here on The Sensible Mom every Monday.
Do you have any weight loss goals this year?
yay…good for you! that ice kream sound good!! i’ve often wanted to cook and eat “raw”. but, i like meat too much. i try to add more salads and fruit.
have a great week!
Thanks, Brooke! I would love to do one of those detox fasts that you did a while back too. I’m waiting til I’m no longer nursing though.