Drum roll please…..for week 1 on my weight loss journey, I lost 5 pounds! I started on Monday at 228.5 lbs., and my weight on Sunday morning was 223.5 lbs. This is the most weight I’ve lost in a week in a very, very long time. It usually takes me about 5-6 weeks of fluctuating up and down to lose even a few pounds. I can attribute this weight loss to the current changes we’ve made in our diet. We are eating a lot more fruits, vegetables, nuts, smoothies, and natural juices.
I was bad in that I barely exercised last week except for a Saturday morning swim class. I need to get back at my workout video this week. Next week, I will have no excuses because I’ll have to exercise at the fitness center at school for at least 3 hours a week. I’m looking forward to it because it means I will HAVE to do it.
I’m going to post more specific changes that we’ve made in our diet later this week! For now, I’m excited that I’ve lost all the “holiday weight” I had gained.
Where are my pics?????? You wanna hear my version of the story? Drum roll please….I managed to eat an entire box of entemann’s chocolate cookies and gain 4 THOUSAND pounds in one week! I kid, I kid. It was really 3,976 pounds, ok?
You go girl and keep up that great eating. I am not sure if you have tried running at all, but I SUCKED at it and then decided to read up about it and give it a try, and now I love it. I lost 15 pounds in a couple of months after my second baby, and am planning on losing all 4,000 pounds of baby weight from all these cookies. *as I brush crumbs from my chest*
Keep up the great work and let’s see some pics, girlfriend! You go!