I was asked to write up my testimony for our church. I think I may have to share it in front of the congregation in the future. :-0 (I know I’ll be fine.) But I thought I’d share it with you guys, too.
I was first introduced to God by my grandmother at an early age, and from there I grew up in the Catholic religion. My grandmother would take us to church, make us memorize prayers, and had us complete other regular Catholic rituals – like our first communion and confirmation. I would say at this point that I had a knowledge of God, and I certainly believed that there was a God and His name was Jesus, but I didn’t truly KNOW GOD.
By the time I was about 17 years old, I was no longer attending the Catholic church or any church for that matter until I met the person who is now my husband, Ruben. He invited me to attend the Christian church his family attended, and from the first time that I attended, I loved it. The worship was vibrant and alive, and the preaching was biblical and unlike anything I’d ever experienced in the Catholic religion. Ruben and I stayed in that church for about three years thinking that we were both Christians. He thought that he had been converted at a young age, and I thought that I had become a Christian while attending that church for some time.
It wasn’t until the early months of 2003 that we’d come to realize we were not truly saved and truly were not converted all of those years. It happened during a trying time in our lives where we began to pray and ask the Lord if He was real and if so…to reveal Himself to us. We prayed this over and over, and in this time, we also committed to reading the book of Revelation together.
Well, after reading Revelation, you can imagine the questions that we had. That’s when Ruben happened to pick up a book he found at his mother’s house that was written specifically written about the book of Revelation.
We both decided to read the book….and that was the beginning of God opening our eyes and removing the veil. Besides finding out the meaning of some of the difficult scriptures in Revelation, the Lord showed us through that book that we were not truly saved, we were living for the world, and our lives did not reflect a desire for God or a true knowing of Him. From that time on, my life has been forever changed. I repented of my sin and put my faith in Jesus Christ. I began to pray regularly and seek the Lord and His will for my life. He, in turn, began to radically change my desires by His Holy Spirit, and we started on the journey to living a holy life for the Lord.
After finishing the book about Revelation, we quickly started reading God’s Word and have not left it since. Why would we? 🙂
And that’s my testimony. To God be the glory.
yay love it!!! =)
Thanks, Brooke! I loved reading your testimony the other day, too.
Thanks for sharing! It is so exciting to read how the Lord worked in your life and in Ruben’s to draw you two to Himself.
Thank you, Elisabeth! All the glory goes to Him.
Wow! That is so awesome to hear how God used His Word (and the book of Revelation of all places!) to show you Himself. Praise His name!
Thank you so much for sharing, Sandra! Your testimony bears witness to 2 Peter 3:9 “The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.” Praising the Lord for His mighty work in you:)
Oh, and congratulations on your pregnancy! What an exciting thing! When are you due?