I’ve got that itch again. I’m going to take some time over the next week to redesign The Sensible Mom – yet again. I probably wouldn’t have this desire if I hadn’t just finished up designing another totally awesome blog that I’ve made look much better than mine. π
Seriously. I’m hoping to share the name of that blog in the next couple of days so that you can see what I’ve been up to for the past couple of weeks. I’m now working on some graphics for another blogger, and as soon as I finish up those, I’m going to get started on The Sensible Mom.
Other things on the agenda this week:
:: Get ready to host a garage sale this weekend which means we have a lot of toys to go through.
:: Have family time on Tuesday starting with Chick-fil-A and their free breakfast Tuesdays! This has been so much fun for our family to take advantage of the last two months. I’m hoping they keep it up through August!
Oh, and here’s our picture from their last BIG promotion where you got a free meal for dressing like a cow. Enjoy. π
:: Make an orange cake on Monday to use up the clementines that are sitting on the kitchen table.
:: BLOG!
What do you have planned this week?
hee hee, cute pic. i just remembered i haven’t written you back yet..sigh. so sorry. trying to juggle everything.