We don’t take our kids trick or treating, but we do hand out candy on halloween. And our candy comes with a message.
Breanna absolutely loves doing this every year.
Okay, actually, this is only our 2nd year making crafts with a message to hand out with candy, but only because we’ve lived in apartments in the past where trick or treating wasn’t allowed.
Isaac likes to eat the candy. No surprise there. He’s definitely got the sweet-tooth in the family. No joke.
David enjoyed helping, and by the looks of his chin, he was no stranger to the candy bowl, either.
And here’s what the finished halloween bags looked like.
Thanks, Breanna!
Oh, and I didn’t even have to hand out a single piece of candy, either.
Β Breanna did that too. Isn’t she great?
P.S. Isaac did help hold the door open when the kids came by. What a guy. That, of course, was after he’d had his candy fill. π
awesome! love this! your kids are getting so big…and beautiful!!!! π
thanks, Brooke!