Last week, I did okay on my goals.
Here’s my recap:
Family/Mothering Goals:
1. Memorize a verse of scripture as a family β weβre working on memorizing Titus 3:2 (to speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people)
2. Read aloud to Isaac and David at least 4 times this week
Personal Goals:
3. Drink juice at least 3 days this week
4. Read my bible everyday this week — while I did read scripture in some form or another…on my phone, facebook, white board, verse on the bathroom mirror, I didn’t actually OPEN my Bible everyday and read it, which is what I really want to do. Daily.
5. Walk on the treadmill at least 3 days this week — I got on the treadmill once last week, and that’s actually real progress for me right now. I keep making excuses, like I have to watch the baby, or, if she is asleep, I make the excuse that as soon as I get on the treadmill, I’m going to have a 3 year-old trying jump on with me.
On Sunday (yep, I waited all the way ’til Sunday! :-)), I decided to put the excuses aside, I put the baby in her high chair and wheeled it to the room with the treadmill, then I got on and started walking. My husband helped to keep my 3 year-old son off the treadmill while I was on it. He did stay nearby, though!
Home Management Goals:
6. Declutter kitchen counters
7. Clean the school room (I never got this done the last time I posted it.)
Business Goals:
8. Sign up for e-junkie – I didn’t get to this yet.
9. Finish first draft of the ebook (almost done) – So close to being done.
10. Blog at least 4 times this week
And now for this week’s goals:
Family/Mothering Goals:
1. Work on putting into practice (more often) the verse of scripture that we memorized last week – Titus 3:2 (to speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people)
Because we homeschool and work from home, our little family of 7 is together all the time. That’s not always easy, and we really want to work on making this verse a reality more in our family before we move onto a new verse.
2. Be off the computer from 8-9pm when the kids are getting ready for bed
Personal Goals:
3. Drink juice at least 2 days this week
4. Read my bible everyday this week…starting today
5. Walk on the treadmill at least 3 days this week
Home Management Goals:
6. Help the kids get a handle on the LEGO mess in their room. It’s LEGO city, literally.
7. Work on child-proofing, because Elisabeth is officially mobile.
Business Goals:
8. Sign up for e-junkie
9. Finish first draft of the ebook and send for editing
10. Blog at least 4 times this week
What goals do you have for this week? How did you do on last week’s goals?
I did the same as you did with the Bible reading. This is something I am going to work on this week too. I want to keep up with my exercising. I have committed to 10 minutes a day and most days I get that in but I want to be diligent with it. I also want to get some pantry mixes made but some days school will take us about 4-5 hours with helping both kids, so we will see how it goes this week. I also want to work on the changes I would like to do with my blog. So maybe next week I will have a new look.
I had to laugh reading about your little one getting on the treadmill with you. It sounds like my house. My 6 year old doesn’t bother the exercise bike until someone wants to use it and then he just needs to be on it too. While we don’t have a lego city at our house, this morning my son had all of his Trio blocks out. It looks like an explosion went off in the living room. I should have taken a picture.
Hope your week goes well, Sandra! I am looking forward to your ebook.
Thank you, Shelly! I am doing better opening my Bible this week, but re-reading your comment again reminded me that I have not opened my Bible today, so I need to do that before I go to bed.
And that is so funny about your son wanting to get on the exercise as soon as someone else gets on. Boys…Lol!
I bombed last week & I really had high hopes of being super productive. :/
I came down with a respiratory infection about mid-week. The rest was downhill. I did manage to get some much needed rest, though! I was out of the office for 4 days and my co-worker/supervisor/friend kept my work caught up! I was dreading a huge pile of paperwork. What a blessing! (I’m a full-time sales associate , part-time blogger and single mom of 6.)
Here’s a link to this week’s goals:
Wow, Gina! That’s amazing! Single mom of 6, blogger, and you work full-time. You certainly have a full plate, and I’m glad your friend was able to keep the work caught up for you.
I hope you are feeling better this week!