I’ll start by saying I know I said in my last weight loss post that I’d post pictures this time, but those are going to have to wait until next time. Sorry, guys! I don’t have a body picture that I like and in which I’m wearing makeup. Those are two requirements that I have for posting a picture of myself in these posts. π
I think my makeup problem is that I’m trying a new mineral makeup for foundation, and it just isn’t really working for me. I don’t love it. I need to find a good, natural liquid foundation. I promise to post pictures as soon as I get some decent ones that show more than my face.
Anyway, I do have good news. I now weigh 193 pounds, and that means I’ve lost 3.5 pounds since my last update a month ago. Yay!
I’m also down to a size 14 in pants.
I haven’t bought any new clothes, but I can fit into clothes that I haven’t been able to fit into in years. I’m actually going to go clothes shopping this week, because I have a couple of blog conferences coming up. I’m planning on shopping at Target and Kohl’s and hoping to find some nice black slacks on clearance. We’ll see.
I think I probably could have lost a bit more weight had I actually exercised this past month. If you follow my goal’s posts, you know that I’m struggling in this area. Basically, I’m sitting a whole lot more than I want to, and I’ve been skipping fun outings with Ruben and the kids in order to have quiet time to work on stuff — again, while sitting.
I am eating three meals a day, so I am in NO WAY starving myself. I eat!
Ruben makes me breakfast every morning, and it is usually oatmeal with granola, coffee, and sometimes juice that he makes fresh in our juicer. For lunch and dinner, our whole family almost always gathers together around the table, and we eat. Our meals are normally meatless and contain plenty of veggies, which is why I’ve been losing weight. When you are eating a more whole foods, plant-based diet, it’s hard not to get to your body’s ideal weight.
I probably could cut back on the coffee and chai tea, but I’m just not right now. I love my coffee, and I love my tea. The End.
Just kidding.
Here’s an update of what my progress looks like:
Beginning weight:Β 220 lbs.
Current Weight:Β 193 lbs.
Goal Weight:Β 170 lbs.
# of total pounds I want to lose in 2012:Β 50lbs.
# of pounds to go until I reach my goal:Β 23 lbs.
Total # of pounds lost to date:Β 27 lbs.
How are you doing on your weight loss journey?
Sandra, you are doing great with your weight loss and you’re going about it in such a healthy, naturlal way! I admire you for your hard work. Keep it up, you CAN do it!
Thank you, Patty!
Sandra, glad to hear you are doing so well with your weight loss. I hope you are able to find a few new things for the conferences you are going to.
I have been working on exercising each day even though it is only a little time each day. But I am committed to sticking with it.
Hope your week goes well.
I’m so proud of you Sandra, so many people want it to just slide right off and end up quiting…you are doing it the right way, changing your eating habits for the long term, for the rest of your life. Great Job again! I alway tell people my daughter Sandra never does anything half way, she does her research, decides and if it what she wants to do…does it right:)
Love you today and always, Mama
PS…I miss you too
Thank you so much, Mama! I’ve learned so much for you! Love you, too. π
Thank you, Shelly! And I went shopping today and found 3 pairs of pants/capris that I really like in size 14! I’m so thankful to be shopping for a smaller size. π
Good job on your weight loss! I don’t usually struggle with exercise, but I do with eating right. My number on the scale still seems kind of stuck, but I know I’m so much healthier than I used to be. These last 10 pounds just don’t want to come off.
Thank you, Paula! I’m enjoying following along with your progress too. You are an inspiration! I love your transparency in your posts as well.
You are doing wonderful Sandra!!! You are doing great with food and that is often a huge struggle for many people. Have fun shopping!!
Thank you, Carrie! And I did actually really enjoy shopping! π I loved being able to fit into a smaller size for me, size 14. π
That is so exciting! Congrats on your weight loss π I am always on the hunt for a good foundation too. The bare minerals did not work for me! Let us know what you find!
Thanks, hilljean! The mineral makeup is slowing growing on me, but I would still love to find a good natural/organic foundation. I’ll update when I do! π