Many of you know that I attended a blog conference last week, so I kept my goals simple. But even though I thought I’d set doable goals, I guess I needed to think even more simply.
Because I didn’t get a whole lot of them done. π
Here’s what I accomplished last week:
Family/Mothering Goals:
1.Β Take the kids swimming — Ruben ended up taking our four older kids swimming in groups of two on two separate nights. I had planned on taking them the last night of the conference, but
I was sleep deprived and had to wake up at 4am the next dayit just didn’t happen.2. Read to the kids — I had planned on reading to the kids on the way to Arkansas, but instead, we watched movies and the kids played on the ipads (our ipads are loaded with lots of educational apps). I also spent quite a bit of time trying to keep Elisabeth happy. I sit in the backseat of our car with her 99% of the time. Oh, and I wrote almost an entire blog post in Text Edit on my computer. This way I could simply copy and paste it into my real WordPress text editor and publish it when I had an internet connection.
Personal Goals:
Drink juice 2 days this week4. Read 10 pages of the book Desperate
5. Eat sensibly and make semi-healthy choices while at the conference — I made decent choices, but I did have a cupcake, candy, cokes, and mashed potatoes.
Home Management Goals:
Finish packing for the conference7.
Make sure the kids have plenty to do in the car on the way to ArkansasBusiness Goals:
Attend a blog conference and network with fellow bloggers9.
Return emails10. Write 4 blog posts — I thought I’d get a little writing done in between sessions at the conference. Um, no, that didn’t happen.
Here are my goals for this week:
Family/Mothering Goals:
1.Β Take time and simply relax as a family
2. Play outside with the kids at least 3 times this week
Personal Goals:
3. Drink juice 2 days this week
4. Read 10 pages of the book Desperate
5. Workout at least 5 days this week (I’m in a Hello MorningsΒ accountabilityΒ group that’s going to help me accomplish my exercise goal. Part of my accountability has to do with exercising every weekday in addition be reading my Bible and planning my day before the kids wake up.)
Home Management Goals:
6. Clean the master bedroom, which is kind of a mess after unpacking
7. Work on de-cluttering one of the kid’s bedrooms
Business Goals:
8. Work on one client project
9. Return emails
10. Write 4 blog posts
What are your goals for this week?
Looks like you have some good goals for this week. I am working on cutting down the clutter at our house too. I would like to try a new recipe this week. Our weather has been great here so the kids have been playing outside each day.
I hope you have a productive week.
Thanks, Shelly! I’m going to try to get started on the clutter busting challenge on Wednesday.
I hope you have a great week, too! And it’s wonderful that your kids are enjoying the weather outside. It was a lovely day here in Illinois.
I love that you have your goals written on your blog and broken down by week.
Thanks, Cara! It really helps to post my goals on my blog. It definitely helps to keep me accountable…except when I go to a blog conference that week. π
It was great getting to meet you and chat at SoFabCon!
I so need to do this! I bet it really does help with accountability to have your goals for the week in a public forum. My big cleaning goal for the week in our master bedroom. Hot mess would be the best description. Homemaker goal of the week is to dehydrate some snacks.
Thanks for sharing your goals! π
Hi Danica, it really does help to post my goals on a regular basis. I’m the type of person who needs accountability, and this is one way to build more of it into my life.
Dehydrating snacks sounds good! We actually bought a dehydrator awhile ago, and it’s *cough* in the garage. Lol! I want to use it, but it’s humongous and the last thing I tried were sweet potato chips that didn’t turn out right.
I’m sure one day I’ll start using it again. I hope you have a great week!