Helllllooooo! It’s been a long time since I’ve written a blog post and I feel like I want to get back to blogging. I know there probably aren’t many of you that actually visit my blog regularly anymore (why would you?) but maybe I can get something started here again.
I felt the desire to start writing here once more after I made a recent update to my blog’s PHP (a scripting language my blog runs on). You see, these days, I rarely visit my own blog but I did the other day. And while I was updating things on the backend, I saw a message that I needed to update my blog’s PHP if I wanted all of my plugins to work correctly.
No problem, I thought. I had updated a friend’s PHP on her website a few months ago, with no issues at all. I could quickly log into my web host and update my PHP to a newer version and be good to go in minutes. No sweat.
Then I broke my blog. ๐ฎ
Yes, I followed a set of quick instructions I’d found online on how to update my PHP in HostGator (my web host) and when I subsequently refreshed my blog, I received the dreaded white screen with an error message. My blog was “gone.”
Okay, it wasn’t really “gone,” but it was no longer displaying because there was now an error created by the PHP update that needed to be dealt with in order to fix my blog.
Also, I decided to make this update around 1:00 AM. Why did I do this??? ๐
Now a year or two ago, if this would have happened in the middle of the night, I might have panicked. This time, I didn’t. I wondered if I should just shut down my blog and forget about it. I actually considered this and thought maybe I would just be done with my blog. Maybe it was over and I felt okay about that…for a moment.
Then I decided that I’d try to fix my blog and see if I could figure out my problem. If I could fix it, great. If not, maybe it was time to end it all. So I got to work. I started trying things and deleting files that I thought might be causing the error.
And after about an hour or so, my blog was back up and running! I’d found the problem files and actually made my blog better in the process because I deleted a bunch of clunky files on my web host that didn’t need to be there.
And guess what? In the process of trying to figure out how to get my blog back up, something happened. I felt a desire to start writing here again. It was an unexpected feeling but welcome. I found out that I miss blogging and I want to get back to it. But this time, I’m going to hold back less.
I’m going to write about whatever I want to write about and not simply what is ‘safe’ in the world of blogging. I’m going to be less politically correct and write about whatever I want. I hope you don’t mind. ๐
Today, I’m going to start with something simple, my goals.
Here are my goals for this week:
Family/Mothering Goals:
1. Make a fall treat with the kids
2. Work on Spanish with the kids
Personal Goals:
3. Lift small handheld weights 4x
4. Walk at least 200 minutes on the treadmill
5. Drink apple cider vinegar 4x
6. Journal 2x
Home Management Goals:
7. Wipe small marks on the walls with a Magic Eraser
8. Fill a bag with items to donate
Business Goals:
9. Publish at least two blog posts
10. Shoot, edit, & upload at least one new video to my YouTube channel
What are your goals for this week?
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