Happy New Year! π
I hope 2022 is starting out well for you. So far, so good for us but times are crazy and ever-changing so things can turn at any time. Thankfully, God is always in control and we rest in Him. I thought I’d try to blog more this year so we’ll see how that goes.
To begin the year, I’m going to start with a goals post.
So…here are my goals for the next week or so:
Family/Mothering Goals:
1. Take Nathan out for a special meal — My husband and I started taking one of our kids out to eat for a special meal each week throughout the holidays and it’s been going so well. We have five kids and started with our youngest and it’s finally our oldest son’s turn to have a meal out with just us parents. We’re planning on taking a week or two off after Nathan’s day out and then starting all over again with our youngest. These have been special one-on-one times that have been such a blessing.
2. Do driving lessons with Breanna at least twice
Personal Goals:
3. Email a friend
4. Walk at least 180 minutes on the treadmill
5. Bible: Read 4 chapters in Jeremiah in addition to my regular Bible reading
6. Journal twice
Home Management Goals:
7. Finish sanding and painting an area on the wall in our bathroom that I’m fixing
8. Fill a bag with items to donate
Business Goals:
9. Write a blog post
10. Edit and upload a video to my YouTube channel
What are your goals?
It’s been an interesting start to the New Year for us. The good things are that our youngest is on break and doesn’t need rides to/from the bus/train until school starts back up. So we can catch more zzzz’s. A wait-and-see moment is with our jobs, however. We’re not sure what will happen with them as there are considerable negotiations going on. More shall be revealed if we will get paychecks or not. I am hopeful that things will work out as we think fast and do whatever necessary to keep the bills paid.
Here are my top 10 for the week:
1) Do an additional 30 minute work-out 4-5x/week
2) Eat more whole foods so my lab work is better when I see the doctor in a few weeks.
3) Get to bed earlier.
4) Paint the garage steps.
5) Donate to the Vets (set up a day/time).
6) Pray daily for co-workers/family/people in situations around the world.
7) Read my newly acquired medicinal plant book and try to grow some of them.
8) Decrease my spending by not buying as much food and instead, use our pantry items.
9) Try my hand at growing our (free) indoor lemon plant. The key is not to water it much. I think.
10) Send back my vacuum since it arrived with missing parts. The good news is that it was free with various gift cards and shipping.
Hi Lisa! Thanks for sharing your goals. π I hope everything works out at work with your jobs. We have been through several job losses and it’s never easy but the Lord has always been faithful and provided. My husband lost his job during the lockdown and the Lord opened up new opportunities as a result and he was ultimately blessed with a better job. I’ll be praying for your family!
I’m also trying to get to bed earlier and get on the treadmill more. I was walking pretty steadily for a looong time but, slowly, I got away from getting on the treadmill as much as I had been and now it’s more of a challenge. I’m working on it, though!
I hope you and your family have a great week ahead! Thanks again for stopping by!