I didn’t share a new goals post last week. Basically, once last Thursday rolled around and I still hadn’t gotten my post up, I decided to go ahead and not set my usual goals for that week.
I haven’t done that in a while, and I’m not planning on making it a habit. π
This month simply ended up busier than it started out to be, and I needed some time to catch up and get things done so that’s what I did. But I’m ready now to work on weekly goals again, so here’s what I have planned…
Here are my goals for this week:
Family/Mothering Goals:
1. Continue to work on memorizing two verses of scripture as a family
2. Go on a fun family outing
Personal Goals:
3. Drink lemon water with cayenne pepper 5x
4. Walk a total of 280 minutes on the treadmill
5.Β Read at least 5 pages from each of these books: Toward a Growing Marriage by Gary Chapman, Be the Best Mom You Can Be by Marina Slayton, and Influencer Marketing for Dummies
6. Journal 2x
Home Management Goals:
7. Clean and organize Elisabeth’s Play-Doh area
8.Β Fill a bag with items to donate
Business Goals:
9. Shoot at least one new video forΒ our family YouTube channel
10. Shoot, edit & upload at least one new video to my YouTube channel
What are your goals for this week?