Nighttime at my house is not uneventful.
It involves diapers, baths, snacks, making sure children have brushed their teeth, reading, bedtime prayers, talking, saying goodnight, and making sure kids stay in their beds. Our regular routine takes about one hour to go through from start to finish, and it can be mentally exhausting some nights.
When the dust has settled and my four-year-old stops getting out of his bed, I look forward to having a little me time. And for my longtime readers, who followed my partial juice fast in February (where I blogged about my daily meals and snacks), you know that my regular nighttime drink of choice was tea.
I’ve been a tea-lover forever. Well, not actually, but it seems that way. Tea and I just go together. It’s one way that I relax and unwind after a long and busy day of being a wife, mom, and work-at-home mama.
Bigelow Tea Time
One of my favorite brands of tea is Bigelow Tea. Right now, I’m enjoying their vanilla chai tea at night. I love it, because with a little rice milk, it’s the perfect drink to sip while I catch up on emails, read blogs, and decompress before I head into whatever nighttime projects I have scheduled.
Sometimes after I’ve had some me time and I don’t have to work on any projects at night, I get to sip my Bigelow tea while my husband and I catch up on the latest episode ofΒ Dateline. While this is a rare treat lately, it’s another way I love to enjoy my tea.
Thank you, Bigelow Tea, for making such a huge variety of teas to enjoy. Your tea is a much needed part of my nighttime ‘me time’ routine.
Do you drink tea? What’s your favorite way to get in a little me time?