Today, I woke up to five sick kids. Fevers, runny noses, and all-around fussiness abounded. It wasn’t pleasant, but, by God’s grace, I made it through the day without feeling crazy and overwhelmed. I know it’s because others were praying for me, and I am so,so grateful for them.
I waited until just before the kids went to bed to think about decluttering, and I honestly wasn’t sure what I was going to shuffle through today. After a look around my bedroom, I decided to tackle Elisabeth’s clothes.
Here are the 7 pieces I decided to add to our donation bag:
I’ve mentioned in the past that it can be hard for me to let go of baby clothes. For the most part, I can easily detach and donate them now. I still keep a few items of clothing that the kids have worn over and over as keepsakes.
Everything I set apart today was easy to say goodbye to. Okay, except for the Tangled pajamas. Those were a little difficult, but everything else…that was easy. π
Did you do any decluttering today?